Thursday, October 13, 2016

Alkatraz Production: Fulfilling All Your Corporate Video Production Needs

leading media and video production company in Dubai
Every day, millions of people view or stream numerous videos online. These viewers have different reasons for watching videos: for fun, entertainment, or to get some information. And usually, regardless of their reason, they will choose videos that are interesting and one that they can take something away from.

Companies, organisations, and even individuals looking for recognition or popularity will therefore benefit greatly from having a well-crafted video. These corporate videos will be useful as promotional or marketing tools. If used properly, these videos can help your brand or name achieve recognition and reach more of your target audience.

trusted media and video production company in Dubai

About Alkatraz Production

To have corporate videos that represent or inform the viewers about what your brand, services, and products are all about, you need to have one that is professionally well-made. Going on the DIY route for video production should therefore not be an option. If you want to have the best video to utilise for your promotional campaigns, it is best to work with industry experts.

In Dubai, Alkatraz Production is one of the most complete and trusted provider of corporate video production services. The company was founded by a group of very talented and passionate individuals in October 2013.

Alkatraz works closely with both local and foreign production houses. Their line-up of acclaimed feature films, TVC's, short films, music videos, events and various new media content speak for themselves. Their talented team work tirelessly to ensure that they churn out content that will satisfy their clients’ requirements.

reliable media and video production company in Dubai


Below are the services offered by Alkatraz Production:


Alkatraz’s Casting department has one of the largest casting databases in the region. They have the ability to comb through all the available options and short list the best choices for any project. Their casting office is also capable and always prepared to hold auditions and call backs. To date, Alkatraz’s Casting department has been involved in every major movie shot in the UAE. Their database boasts of featured cast members to background extras.

Shooting Location

The production company has an extensive portfolio of locations in the UAE. In addition, they maintain a great working relationship with the Dubai Film and TV Commission and other Government bodies like Dubai Airports, Dubai Police, Road and Transport Authority. This enables them to have access to many locations not easily available to others. Their location managers also have over a decade of production experience and are very knowledgeable about the local production landscape. They can assist any production in finding and securing the locations and in managing different tasks on the day of the shoot.

Unit Assistance

Alkatraz’s Unit managers and assistants are highly experienced and trained to ensure that your shoot goes as smooth as possible. They are also capable of effectively dealing with any issues or unwanted situation that can come up during the shoot.

Aerial Filming

Alkatraz Production works with Go Aerials to provide various aerial filming and shooting solutions and services.

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