Take charge of your own career by creating a life that matters. Become a certified coach today. Coach Campus can be of great help.
About Coach Campus
Coach Campus began with a pilot group of 20 students. Today,
they have already trained more than 4000 coaches from different countries
around the world.
Similar to any business, the International Coach Academy
began as an idea. “Authentic Learning”
was introduced wherein every participant will have a “trainer” to meet with
them for an hour a week and help them achieve their goals. This learning system
was re-evaluated again. With its amazing results, this then led to an
investigation which ended with coaching. And this coaching method was then introduced
online - Coach Campus and International Coach Academy were born.
Since 2001, they have been leading the way in coach training. They do this by being ahead of the curve in learning, teaching, and coaching as well as by hiring people who are experts in their field. This further means looking for the best. All of their trainers run successful coaching business and come from a wide range of educational and business backgrounds.
For their students, they have a dedicated team of support
staff worldwide. Student “buddies” will help students be settled into their
programs. They highly emphasized that their student community has more than
4000 students who are participating daily in the private forums and attend more
than 60 teleclasses every week.
Coach Training Programs They Offer
Professional Coach Skills Training – This will last for 16
hours. Students will have a learnsite access for 6 months. A certificate on Professional
Coach Skills will be provided after the program’s completion.
Vocational Coach Program – This is Accredited Coach Specific Training
will include the core competencies, mentor coaching and observed coaching
necessary to pursue the ACC credential through the ACSTH pathway. This program will
last for 60 hours. Student will also have a learnsite access for 12 months and
peer coaching for 12 months. After completing the program, you will receive a
certificate on Vocational Coach Training. Graduates can continue getting an ACC
credential through the ACSTH pathway.
Certified Coach Program – This is an accredited training for
those who want to be a certified or credentialed coach. If you want to start a
career as a professional coach, this is the right training program for you.
This program will include designing your own coaching model along with the
power tool and support in getting your coach certification. This program will
last for 125 hours.
Advanced Coach Program – This is a coach training at an elite
level. Exclusive to this program is the Advanced Portfolio Workshops where
coaches will be mentored by experienced coaches in order to create their own
coaching model, undertake an area of deeper research, and unique coaching power
tool. Students will also enjoy added Mentor Coaching and Supervision hours and
access to all program materials.
When it comes to choosing a program, it is very important for
you to consider how you would like to learn, what pathway options are accessible
for credentialing, program value for you money, and how the program is suitable
for your lifestyle. They can help you find the best program for you by taking
the Program Selection Quiz they have provided.
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